Chakra Balance

In time of struggle or change, the energy can stop flowing freely and cause the charka and meridian systems to become blocked or imbalanced. These blockages can manifest into various physical symptoms like pains and aches in the body, digestive issues, painful intercourse, difficulty sleeping, emotional symptoms like mood swings, low self-esteem, feeling stuck, unable to express your needs freely etc. This treatment aims to identify disruptions in the energetic system and it’s aim is to promote a free flow of energy to restore balance and vitality.

There are 7 main energy centres known as chakras that run along the spine, starting at the base of the spine where the root chakra lies, all the way up to the top of the head where the crown chakra is. A disruption even in one of these centres will affect the flow of energy in the other, neighbouring centres which will then impact you as a whole.

This experience is deeply meditative and brings all chakras into alignment through healing that focuses on removing stagnant energy and raise your frequency to optimal level.

The treatment will allow you to heal the unseen and have a new profound view on your life.  

Book your first 90 minute session for $149.
Consecutive sessions are $129.