Heart Healing

This treatment focuses on working and balancing the energy of the heart chakra. This chakra is the middle chakra, it serves as a connection between the 3 lower chakras which are associated with grounding, and the 3 upper chakras which are associated with higher consciousness, which is why it makes this centre very important.

A blocked heart chakra can affect the wholeness of our being. Imagine a cycle where the energy always gets stuck in the same place. This disruption makes other areas and chakras to be stagnant. When the heart chakra is balanced, you are able to be more loving and compassionate with yourself and others, it allows you to be more open, it allows you to connect with the world easily and see the beauty in everything.

The aim with this treatment is to work through any blockages in the disruption of the energy in the heart and help restore the energy not only in the heart, but in the whole body.

The gateway to higher consciousness is an open and balanced heart chakra!

Book your first 60 minute session for $99.
Consecutive sessions are $89.